So july ends today and tomorrow brings August, the month we have been waiting for. Well the deadline that was fast approaching. How does someone get ready to make a baby. Do you talk about it ahead of time or do you bring it up in the moment to bring things crashing to a halt. We both know august starts tomorrow and we both said we would start trying in August but are we just going to flip a switch in our minds and try to make a baby. Babies would change everything. We are so happy together and everything just seems to flow nicely in our life, so how will we adjust everything to include a child or two ( twins run in leifs family). Ahhh. Which slogan do we follow. Nike's just do it or Guinness' good things come to those who wait.
Ps. It was so much fun looking up slogans. We did not know how dirty slogans sound when you say them out loud. Our favorite dirty ones-think dirty as you read them
Put a tiger in your tank.
Finger licking good.
Great taste less filling.
Splash it all over.
"Just do it" . Haha. You will adjust when I got pregnant I thought my life was over bein 17 an all and was scared to death. Now I couldn't imagine my life without her. We do every thing together.