Thursday, March 7, 2013

prices of diapers

We went shopping for our baby shower gifts yesterday and man are babies expensive.  We went looking for some cloth diapers thinking that it would be a nice gift they wanted and wouldn’t be that bad on the budget ( because I’m a budget queen) and wouldn’t you know a six pack is $109 bucks. I couldn’t believe it. Then I started thinking about how much money a month they save you and it doesn’t seem soooo bad but still my brain is going to have to be reprogramed before I have a baby.  I try not to buy anything for full prize and clearance is my favorite word but diapers never go on clearance and you can’t just wait for a sale because it will never come.  It’s going to take a lot of planning but man are we going to be some money saving parents.


  1. Coupons are good for diapers, they just don't seem to come out as often as you would like. If you don't really care too much about the brand you can always try switching depending on the coupons you get (if it does not irritate your little one) Some kids will have little reactions or rashes if you suddenly change their diaper brand, wipe brand, ect. You can always have friends/family/co-workers save coupons for diapers or formula if they get a paper or flyer. This way you can get multiple of the same coupon.

  2. A good thing about diapers is you can find them on sale and use coupons. Walmart does price match and you can use a coupon.

  3. Target store brand is cheap and I swear by them !

  4. I agree with anon. Target is the ONLY brand I buy in disposables. You get the most for the cheapest and they are VERY absorbent. Don't waste your money on Pampers or Huggies. They explode after a while. Also, look up "SunBaby"s website. You can buy good quality cloth diapers for a good price.

  5. Also, as for wipes, store brands SUCK. For wipes we buy the HUGE box of Huggies or Pampers brand. You use less wipes because they are thicker and buying in bulk is much cheaper/lasts longer.

  6. it all depends on if your lil baby can handle certain diapers and wipes . alot of babbies have sensitive skin and cant use some with like dyes and perfumes and stuff. personally i couldnt stomach cloth diapers lol. but ppl are different .
