Friday, December 27, 2013


Getting ready for our new years resolution with some freezer soups to pull out when we need a fast meal. For under $30 I made six containers for the freezer.  Thats around five dollars each for a meal for two.
It is a sausage sweet potato kale soup and it is tasty.  No bland diets here. Like to come for the recipe I used.
recipe below

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Merry Christmas everyone. I hope everyone stays safe and has a good time with friends and family.  And don't forget to make sure the little ones know this time of year is for more than a bunch of gifts and toys. Its a time for charity and giving and I think when kids learn that they will be more grateful for everything they have.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

One person

So my husband and I have been together for almost nine years now. That's not that long when you compare it to 50 year marriages but its a long time for our generation.  Well just recently I have been learning how to play call of duty with him. Again that doesn't seem like a big deal but if you knew my lack of coordination you would be surprised it find that I'm not spinning around stuck in a corner anymore. I'm improving.  So we were playing until four in the morning the other day and it made me think. We do everything together normally and now we are adding call of duty to this. I brought it up to leif and asked him if we were blending together and becoming an even weirder couple that does everything together.  His response was that it was a good thing. I picked up on call of duty and he picked up on reading books for fun. Not to mention we saw one Broadway play (wicked) and he was hooked. The next one I'm taking him to is the phantom of the opera, if it ever comes to town. But he doesn't think its odd that we are finally getting into each others interests so I guess I don't either. I just think its strange that it took nine years for me to learn a game he plays everyday.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Food food food

Have you ever made a cheese ball. if you haven't I will let you in on a secret, they suck to make. I spent about an hour trying to work it all together with two spoons. That doesn't work. I kept thinking I needed to use my hands but I didn't want to fondle the thing so I grabbed the foil. It got a little better from there. I smushed the cream cheese one way between the two pieces of foil then crammed it back together and repeated the process. Totally not quick and easy.  Next time i will remember to start with the foil to save about an hour. Any more tips for making a cheese ball in a timely manner would be greatly appreciated for my next attempt.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Warm coats

This time of year everyone has to remember to bundle up your little ones. That is unless you live in southern Georgia then make sure they are wearing play clothes because its the perfect outdoor weather here. It's December and we can still wear flip flops and shorts. Thats not right. We are having an ugly sweater party and its going to be too hot for it. Darn you mother nature.  Lets hope it gets down to lite jacket weather soon so we are not burning up at our party.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


So on black Friday I got nine things of Tupperware for 7 bucks a piece, now leif thinks I have too much now. He told me we didn't have enough room in our cabinets for them so we have to reorganize them all. Yay. Not really. But leif started moving everything around so my weird obsession would have a home. We moved our nice plates over to the Tupperware spot and our snacks switched with all of our candles ( leifs weird obsession) and now we have an empty cabinet.  That seems odd but leif is such a good organizer that we have a lot of extra space.  Looks like I need more Tupperware now.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

File away

Finally put most of our important papers in the filing cabinet.  It cleared out one drawer and two containers. And thays jist what I did yesterday.  I still can breakdown four more boxes to get rid of them and make some room in our computer room. I even have a drawer for the stories that I'm writing.  I found some old stories that I need to work on again. It feels good to be one step closer to organization.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday

Hope everyone was safe today and got tons of good deals for the little ones and everyone else in your life. Remember to check oit the deals online too.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Happy thanksgiving everyone.  I hope everyone has a great day with their families today. We celebrated our thanksgiving already since we have to work. Cross your fingers that people are nice and leave early so we can go shopping.  I hate that black Friday is now at 6pm on Thursday but I still want to go get Tupperware and blankets for a sweet sweet price. Everyone be safe and remember no deals are worth anyone's wellbeing.  Also crazy people are everywhere so keep an eye out.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Thank goodness that we have new internet.  We got it today and it is so much faster then the cable internet we had. We also got our first dvr. I'm already recording a lot of tv series. Leif is upset because all the recorded stuff will be mine because he watches sports amd there really is no reason to record a football game. What he doesn't know is that I'm recording all of the star wars for him this week and he will love that. Not to mention we will be able to watch the walking dead on Sunday even though we work. So excited

Monday, November 25, 2013

Slept in

So while I caught up on some sleep this morning, leif was up and changed the oil in both of our cars. Thats freaking awesome.  Now he gets to spend the rest of his day off with his mom and then playing basketball. I like that leif took care of that since I have to work all day. It was really nice not to have to worry about anything before work.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


So when my husband wants to read a book its so awesome.  We read all day before work and now we are reading after work. He just felt the need to read last night. I finished a book yesterday and picked up the newest sookie book today. I like that we are both happy and it counts as couple time. I know it makes us nerds but reading wakes up your mind.  I always feel smarter after I read any kind of book.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


So I'm sitting here watching extreme couponing and every time I watch it I love the idea more and more. The lady today gave 3, 000 dollars to charity.  Thays amazing.  She got so much cat food for a local shelter. Just when I think all people suck little rays of sun shines right through. Not to mention that they pay like 6 bucks for a $700 load. This makes me want to do it so bad. Maybe one day soon but right now I'm too lazy to go out and find all of the coupons

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Leif got his new PlayStation 4 at midnight on Thursday.  He paid it off six months ago. We had to trade all of our games and old systems to get it. He loves it so far. He even made me a profile so I can stink it up on call of duty. My best game was 3 kills. It was nice. Leif said I got too loud but I don't think so. 3 kills is a big deal for me. I think I screamed and yelled I'm a beast but that doesnt seem like overkill to me. Either way he is happy with the ps4 so I'm happy with it. And I get to catch up on my reading so its a win win.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ready,aim, fire

Yesterday we went to the shooting range and got to shoot our glock for the first time. I did really bad at first, then someone mentions that something about the back aim and I said oops I forgot there was a back aim. No wonder I did such a horrible job. So I tried again this time using both the front and the back things to aim and wouldn't you know I rock at shooting. The target was covered after that. I even shot a water bottle and made it go everywhere.  Leif was a little upset that I did so well because we had a bet to see who did better and now he has to make lunch two days in a row.that sounds very nice. At least he knows he married the right person for when the zombies come.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Weight bench

We got leif a weight bench and now I'm using it. I feel fat and the weight bench doesn't take long to use and I feel it right away. It feels good. Lets hope it makes my arms look awesome and  then leg thing on the bench is great too. I resisted so long trying to make leif not want a weight bench any longer but now I love it too. Funny how things work out.

Friday, November 8, 2013


Going to spend time with my sister and baby jackson today. Cant wait. Jackson is a good practice baby for us. I can hold him and then give him back when I'm done with him. Such a cute little baby. Boy do I really want one of my own. Hopefully not much longer for us.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Trying my hand at making new things.  My latest creation homemade mac and cheese with ham and bacon. Can you say delish.  It turned out great. Leif really loved it. Lucky for him I made enough to freeze half to make another day. And lucky for me I have an easy meal just to pop in the oven. Man freezers are nice.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Lets hope we have a new chapter about to start for us. With changes come new challenges. We are ready for change, I can feel it. Tomorrow is just another day but we are hoping for good things to come.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


leif and i are both working on new projects.  We got him a weight bench off Craig's list and I got a filling cabinet from goodwill. Both need work. They have a little rust on them so we are sanding them and he is painting his and duck taping mine. They will soon both look awesome.

I've got before and after pictures for leifs weights.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Happy Halloween everyone.  Its my favorite holiday and I have to work on it. Not cool. Last year we had so much fun handing candy in our new house. This year we don't get to decorate or anything.  But I'm not going to let this get me down tonight. I did my hair in braids and put spiders in it and I have spider earrings in. We might even have a little spooky get together after work. Lets hope the spiders get me good tips tonight. And remember to be safe and keep your little ones safe.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


me and baby Jackson. 7.2 oz and 17 1/2 long. so sweet, so cute, and such big feet.

Monday, October 28, 2013


So I had another comment from a couple I wait on, thinking they know all about me and my husband just because they sit in my section. Do people not realize that servers are supposed to be nice to you and they don't act the way they normally would around people.  Well this couple said that they don't see kids in mine and leifs future and I should just deal with it. Ummm where do you get off. We want kids so bad but we just want to be prepared for it. I don't think that translates into you guys aren't going to have kids. What part of preparing for children do they not understand.  We are happily married,both have jobs, both have cars, and we pay all of our bills with savings in the bank. Does that sound like we are not going to have children. No it sounds like we are being responsible and getting all of our ducks in a row before we bring another life into this world. I guess planning for a baby seems weird to people but we want to be ready and for someone to tell me that we are not going to have any kids just because we want to make sure a kid won't bankrup us is wrong.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Jackson is coming

Baby jackson is on his way. My sister is in labor and he could be here anytime now. Everyone wish for a safe delivery and healthy mom and baby. Pictures to come later from the happy family

Friday, October 25, 2013

New nephew soon

Baby jackson should be here on Tuesday.  We can't wait. Tonight is going to be movie night with my sister on bed rest. Its going to be musicals. Not sure which ones yet but we will be singing all night and if any of you know how I sing we should pick up some ear plugs for everyone.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


We have been looking for the right pillows for us for about a year now and we found them yesterday.  We are both extra firm. We tried fluffy, down, memory foam and none of them let us sleep the way we wanted. This new extra firm is perfect we both slept like babies and it even stood up to buckeye on my head all night. I think his fat butt is why all the wimpy pillows gave out too fast.

Friday, October 18, 2013


So not to long ago my mom told me that kindergarten does not teach spelling anymore.  They teach them to sound out every word and write down the letters they hear. And do you know what they don't correct them. If a kid writes love they luv. And that's okay in the state of Georgia.  Even if a kid knows how to spell it right they don't teach it right. If they say that there should be an e at the end they are tell them they are right but then they get confused.  How is that making the world a better place. so I have been upset about that for a while but then I think that the parents should help teach them how to spell right and I forget about it. But then today I found out that in middle school teachers are not allowed to check homework anymore. The kids don't know that but how is that helping them. They can give them a participation grade and that's it. And here is the kicker some parents get upset that their kids are failing because they are not turning in homework.  Now correct me if I'm wrong but if all you have to do is turn something in, even if its wrong, to get a grade how can you blame the teacher when your lazy butt didn't check to see if they had homework.  I don't know about schools now a days. I think my education failed me. Imagine if I would be in school now. I already suck at spelling, I couldn't image being any worse at it. But I guess I could be.  It really is sad that the future of America is depending on spell check and finding the answers online.

Lazy day

Today I haven't gotten out of my pjs yet. It feels good. I guess we are still enjoying all the stuff you get to with no kids. Like lunch dates and sleeping in. We both know we are ready and now all we have to wait for is leif to get this job he wants or another one if its necessary.  Lets hope he gets the one he wants. Either way our days without kids are numbered

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Dirty old men

So I wait tables and so does my husband.  We pay our bills, we save money, we bought a house and we lobe each other. Now what gives some old man the right to not like my husband just because I'm married to him. The old guy is 87 and I wait on him maybe 3 times a month. I tell him how happy we are. Our plans for the future. But the last couple times he has come in he always says that I have a good head on my Shoulders and that when he leaves me alone with a baby I will be fine. What. Where did that come from. Leif thinks the dirty old man wants me for himself or that he is a feminist.  I think that he just hates men or watches to many lifetime movies. Either way I'm not as nice to him anymore maybe he will find a new waitress to hate on their husband because I'm done with it

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

lies lies lies

they say you can find anything on the internet. well that's a lie my friends. I went to look up a simple punch recipe and it is no where to be found. it was the top secret pirate punch recipe from the oldest saloon in st Augustine, but no where on this whole wide web is there a copy of the punch. its over 200 years old and no one has posted it online yet. how messed up is that. now I have to make leif drink tons of "what is it missing drinks" before I figure it out. thanks a lot internet now my husbands liver has to work over time because of you

Monday, October 14, 2013


So we all know leif wants a better job before we have a baby, and he was on the right track too. This darn shutdown has the job he wants on a hiring freeze so we have to wait even longer for babies now. Ahhhh.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Ladies night

Once a week while leif works I hang out with my mom and sisters. Well this week its ladies night to the extreme.  We are going on a casino boat for fun and gambling.  I'm going with a 30 dollar limit and that includes the money to get in. It should be fun. We are going with some odd and new friends.  Wish us luck.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


we keep trying to go on a diet and it lasts about 3 days. we keep trying to eat better and its for one meal out of 3. I keep wanting to exercise but I never want to put in the work. we need a goal and I can t get one good enough for us to try.  we lost weight when we had a bet and the loser had to pay for universal studios tickets. that worked great. we lost weight when we were going on a cruise that work wonders. but now when I say lets lose weight so I'm not a fat pregnant woman we cant get motivated. we have my sisters wedding coming up we could lose weight for that but its not a big deal so we don't feel the need to work out. man we are so lazy. I really don't know how we function day to day and don't just lay down on the floor somewhere and say I'm done for the day Ill take a nap now. we will find a good motivation someday, maybe we need to find an active couple to play games with. someone just invited us to play volleyball with her and her husband but we already had plans. maybe all of our day dates should be something like that, to keep us moving. I know, I've got it. we will just pay someone to follow us around yelling hey fatty all the time and I'm sure we will drop some weight in no time.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Freezer bag meals

Since we are not losing any weight because of our lazy eating habits, I found a butter solution then eating fast food. Freezer meals. I tried looking on pinterest but all the freezer meals were complicated and had stuff that we don't like in them, so I made up two of my own freezer meals.

Easy chicken pot pie
Boiled chicken-shredded
Cream of chicken and mushroom soup
Cheddar cheese

Mix them all together and freeze. When you are ready to cook them thaw and place in baking dish. Add the bisquick on top and bake.

So easy and great for lazy cooks.

Easy chicken tacos or enchiladas

Boiled chicken-shredded

Mix together and freeze. When ready grab  tortillas and sauce (taco or enchilada) thaw bag. saute to warm up for tacos or wrap in tortillas with cheese and sauce for enchiladas.  Add your own extras, like avocados to the tacos or peppers to the enchiladas.

Both super fast and easy. Happy eating

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Baby shower

My sister is having her baby shower today for baby jackson. So exciting.  We made a diaper cake for her. Pictures to come later. In less than a month we will have our first boy in the family. Well my side anyways. Leifs side has all boys and my side has all girls. Everyone have a good day. Sorry it was short and sweet today.

Pictures from baby jacksons shower. With my sisters

Thursday, October 3, 2013


you know those days when you watch the news, watch a movie or witness something in everyday life and think about how lucky you are. well today was one of those days.  most days people don't look around at their life and realize how fortunate they are. whenever I remember to I like to take a second and say a little thank you for everything in my life, from my husband, dog and family to our house, cars and jobs. we aren't really religious. its nothing against it, we mostly don't believe in churches. we have never had any luck with finding one that didn't preach to a bunch of hypocrites. regardless we both believe in a higher power and karma, so every time you think about you are say a little thank you to anyone up there and hope that you can keep all the love in your life. now since I don't normally say things like this and I feel a little weird writing this I will add a penny for your thoughts to make you laugh.
god must love stupid people; he made so many. (story of my work place most days)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

calm day

we are enjoying a nice day off so far. we paid all of our bills and ate lunch, and now I'm making a carrot cake to take to my parents house for dinner with them tonight. they are making stuffed burgers with fat fries for us so we are taking care of dessert. after dinner we normally play games so wish us luck with that because we usually play couples verse couples.  all in all a nice calm day. I gave leif  a hair cut and now he is playing his way too offensive game while I work on my book. im very happy with how its coming along so far. still a lot of writing and filling in gaps to go but I will be happy once I get the whole story down then I can go back and add in what I forgot or add details where I need to. I just really want to get a rough draft done then I can go back a fix everything. my cakes are beeping at me so im off.

Monday, September 30, 2013

be the bigger person

you know how your parents tell you that its best to be the bigger person and move on. well you never know how many times you will have to take the high road. sometimes i wish that more parents would have taught their kids that lesson.  when we have little ones we will be sure to tell them how hard it is to do what's right all the time but its better in the long run. you don't want your children getting handed everything and then when they grow up to expect the world just to give them hand outs too. i believe that if you keep your kids sheltered when it comes to money you are stunting them for adulthood.  im glad my parents taught me how it handle life lessons and move on. some people were not so lucky.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

omg gta 5

so leif bought a new game to keep him occupied  until the PlayStation 4 comes out in November. its grand theft auto 5. and man is it not appropriate for anyone. in the first ten minutes there must have been about 300- 500 cuss words. and we are not talking the little harmless cuss words we are talking the no one would say these words out loud kind of words. not don't get me wrong I like the game. it seems to let people live vicariously through it but were all the bad words really necessary . I told leif when we have a baby the games like that get put on a top shelf and do not get played before the kid hits rem sleep. he totally agrees. I guess that's one of the perks of not having kids yet but im so ready for them. he is too he is just really scared. maybe they need a video game where you have a baby and provide for it and try to get the best score. we would have a baby in no time. he would tell me how many points you get for a dirty diaper and that he would change them all for me. sounds nice this video game.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


I've been working on my book a lot lately and ive come to realize that creating and writing a story makes you lose track of time. I was writing one little tiny area of a chapter and it took 3 hours to finish,  then I look back and it was only like 12 pages on paper so that's like five typed out. At least its all coming together, ideas are working well together and it seems to be fitting like puzzle pieces. I really love how supportive leif is being with this, maybe he just likes the free time he has to play grand theft auto.  Oh well I feel productive.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

lunch date

we are doing a fancy lunch date today. im excited. leif wants to have a buddy over on our day off and I said okay and I guess he doesn't want to our day off to be a waste so he wanted to have a day date.  he is so sweet. now I have to decide appetizers or lunch. I like this lunch date and then I get to work on my book while they men have there time.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

on the right track

I love when we have something to work for together. leif has been studying for his tests and I felt lost and didn't know how to help. then I figured it out. im going to look up stuff to help him with his interview. I can look up about the company he is looking at and things to do and  not to do in an interview. I like being productive and I didn't know it. I guess waiting tables doesn't give me that thrill, at least now I know accomplishing things makes me happy. maybe I will finish more things now. hopefully my book will be one of those things. I love being creative and writing helps me do that. back to the helping leif with interview questions and behaviors, if anyone has some advice any tips can help set him apart.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Feeling inspired

With leif doing all this study for his test it got me thinking about what I could do to help out with financial stability.  well I'm not really good at anything so not really sure what I could be. Then I remembered that I really like writing children and teen books. Normally I get like half a story done or one chapter then I get distracted.  Maybe this time I will finish, I think I have a good stroy base and have a time line alreay worked out. Stay tune for more updates on it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My mouth

So again I know I don't have an inside voice but why do I say the weirdest things the loudest.  Last time it was the astronaut hooker shoes, this time I said something like "nasty lesbian she-male". I think my words are just too colorful. At least I'm aware of it now before we have kids so I can tone it down before they are old enough to pick up on things. I think I just need to work on tastfully describing things rather then usung the first thing that pops into my mind.  Maybe instead of astronaut hooker I could have said" futuristic woman of the night." Still gets the point acrossed without the did she just say that look. So where I used nasty lesbian she-male I should have said "unpleasant hermaphrodite with the bad hair cut". I think I still need to work on it but the first step is admitting you have a problem.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Good thoughts

Keep leif in your minds today, he has a big test that could get him a really good job. It would mean so much to him to do well today. Think happy happy thoughts for him and lets hope he does well. And don't worry if he doesn't do as well as he wants he can take a class and retake the test but lets hope for the best. I love him so much and I know he is smart and hard working and any company would be luck to have him but no one ask the wife for a reference.

oh leif

so every time leif gives me a reason why we should wait for babies we find a solution and move on to the next reason. first it was the we need to buy a house first, check. 2 reliable cars, check. going on vacation so we don't have to wait until the kid is old enough, check. saving money just for babies, check check and some more checks.  but now he found something that I can not fix or do for him. he wants a better job.  how am I suppose to get around that. he would have to go back to school to get a better job and that would suck up all of our baby money and add two or four years to the baby timeline. I understand he wants to make sure we will be okay when I need time off to stay with the kid but man waiting sucks.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


as I'm sitting here shoving food in my mouth I have been thinking about eating habits. now I know I cant blame my mom for my ability to keep up with my husband but I wonder if pigging out could have been trained into my head. like my niece loves yogurt, she thinks its dessert. there is no way you could tell me that yogurt is a treat. now milk a cookies that's a treat. if you wait to eat cookies until after you think yogurt is awesome then do you think as the same sweetness? I'm not so sure I could believe that. oh well, im getting crumbs on the laptop, until next time.

Friday, September 13, 2013


So love all of the princess movies and when we have kids I want all of them. The thing is if we have boys can they still watch the girly movies? And if it bad that if we have girls I want them to like superheroes and football. Does it make them well rounded or just weird.  I just don't want our kids to be cookie cutter kids. I want them to have great personalities from an early age. I didn't find my personality until high school and that sucked. Kids should know who they are and what they want to be early in life. If I knew who I was earlier maybe I could have gone to school for something I was passionate about and finished college.  Now I know I want to write childrens books and I like numbers. That could have helped in 9th grade. Oh well. Our kids are going to have big dreams and we are going to do everything we can to get them headed in the right direction.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


 I think our house sends out the we have booze kind of vibe. which we do have lots of booze, about 60 bottles of different kinds of alcohol. that seems like a lot and makes us sound like alcoholics but if we were alcoholics then we would have 60 empty bottles of liquor. that being said people just show up sometimes and its really strange. I don't know what it is about an open garage that makes people want to come to our house but it happens more often then you would think. normally its the losers from around the corner who don't like their garage so they wonder down to ours drunk and I have to send them on their way so they don't keep coming over. well last time that happened they got the message and realized that we didn't want them to keep coming over and being rude to us, so we thought our neighbor invasions had stopped. we were not so lucky last night. a different neighbor showed up.  and man this lady was drunk but she seemed lonely and nice so we talked a little before we sent her home. the lady stayed and talked for about 15 minutes and then went home. before she left though she told us that having kids ruins your life. now we don't take it personal that some people think that their kids suck the life out of you, everyone has their own opinions. I just wish more people would tell you how much a blessing kids are and how it changes you for the better. some people cant have kids and I would think that people who regret having children would piss them off. its weird that this lady was saying that and she just met us, we might not sound like we are ready for kids but we both know we are and we want them so random people will not change our minds about wanting babies.  lets hope the lady wakes up and doesn't remember coming over so maybe it wont happen again    

Monday, September 9, 2013


so I come home from work to finish watching the football games with leif and he made it through the first one. now I am watching it and he is sleeping on the floor. why on the floor, no idea. he said his tummy hurt and laid down so I rubbed his back to distract him and all of a sudden I hear snoring. oh well. ill wake him of if the game gets better. until then he can nap away

Sunday, September 8, 2013


So babies. We both want one but can't bring ourselves to decide on trying yet. Its so funny that we both know we will be good parents and have plans set for affording kids but still we are gun shy. I think it has something to do with how happy we are together.  Why mess with a good thing.  But babies might not change that. You never know

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Oh what a joy it is for the nfl to start tonight. Leif has been so happy watching this game, loving that football is back. And what have I been doing, yelling at the tv for the fantasy football players to listen to me and stop catching the ball for my opponent's team. Apparently I'm really competitive and I didn't know it. And I eat when I'm stressed and didn't know that either. So far for the last half of the game I ate 2 hotdogs, 5 peices of chocolate, a whole plate of cottage cheese and two sodas.  hopefully the season goes better than this game or else I will gain like 20 pounds.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


So we had a normal day off today. Went and saw two movies since its five dollars before six oclock. After the city of bones and we're the millers we did a little walk around ross. Oh how we love ross. So many good deals. We didn't find any today but we cheered up a lady that was having a bad day. How you ask. Well ill tell you. We were wondering around the shoe rows and boy are there some crazy shoes at ross. I mean hookers would love some of these shoes. So leif was picking out crazy shoes for me to try on. Mind you we are all by ourselves in the size 6 1/2 row and I found this shiny silver high high heel with what looks like metal armor on the heels and toes. All I said was "man these look like they should be in an  astronaut porn" then I tried them on. Well right after I take the shoe off a lady comes around the corner and said that she just wanted to come over and look at the astronaut porn shoes. She just kept laughing and said that it was the first time she smiled all day and then she thanked us for the laugh.  After that I told leif I need to work on my inside voice so our off the wall sence of humour doesn't shock anyone else. Maybe its because we work in a restaurant but I forget that not everyone speaks their mind and jokes freely everday. That's why I love my husband.  Its never boring and we laugh everyday.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Happy labor day. Dont work to hard. And remember be nice to people who have to work today

Thursday, August 29, 2013

ac finally

the ac works again. it only took 28 days for them to fix it. at least we are looking at it as the glass is half full. yes its been so hot and yes I found out a sweat way more than any girl should but at least our power bill will be really low in one of the hottest months of the year. I know the buckeye is happy the ac works again. he was just staying in our room that had the window unit all day long. now he can go back to being king of the whole house.

ps happy college football day

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

feeling crafty

so yesterday we had to go to work a half an hour later to lighten the load on our payroll so I had time to kill. you know how you start a project and just put it off and put it off, well yesterday I worked on one of mine. it's a really big clock for our living room. I love how it just clicked. I'm about half way done (pictures will come). leif is in charge of placement on the wall. we have no pictures up and we have lived here for a whole year. that's all going to change we have pictures from the cruise that we need up, our family picture (with buckeye), and the clock. man it feels good to be creative.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I think its time

Our roommate is leaving on the 1st and I think its a sign. We will have our spare bedroom all cleaned out and ready for something to put in it. We have extra money just for babies. Am I forgeting anything left on leifs list. Now all I need to do is make it seem like leifs idea.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


so it's 3 o'clock in the morning and leif has me busy working on a project with him. a very very important project that has to be done by tomorrow. its a budget for his 2nd fantasy football team for their auction draft tomorrow night. now it might sound odd but its not. we had to figure out our teams in our league that we are in together a couple weeks ago. so we started this at like 12:30 and we have a price for every player and who he wants with the right bye weeks (this may just sound like a bunch of craziness and no one knows what im talking about but he loves football so I love football, enough said). I feel like the best wife right now. he is upset I wont be able to be here for the draft. I have to work. I told him he will do fine on his own if he sticks to our plan and doesn't drink too much before it starts. that could get interesting if he's drunk. I just like the fact that im his little numbers girl and he needs me. so much love. wish him luck for the draft.

ps. I know we are nerds

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Feeling hot hot hot

So tomorrow the ac will be fixed. Its been about 3 weeks since it broke and we will be sooooo happy when its done. I love having the home warranty but this is awful. Thank goodness we have bedroom units or else we would have been miserable.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


We all know Facebook is full of drama. Some of the juiciest stories have been seen on Facebook.  Everyone has those friends that over share and the friends that have full on drag out fights over comments. Well something dumb happened yesterday.  One of my cousins posted a picture of her daughter using the big girl potty for the first time and one of her friends reported it as porn/nudity.  Now I looked at the picture and nothing was showing and she was fully dressed. The odd thing is her page is friends only so it has to have been someone she knows. Now I don't have kids yet but I don't see anything wrong with a proud mom snapping a picture of a milestone in her daughter's life

Monday, August 19, 2013

cool thing of the day

did you know that ketchup can clean a dirty penny instantly. im going to wash all my pennies now. not really but its really cool. it makes you think about what ketchup is doing to your insides too.  

hot cars

we all know its summer and we all know its hot outside so why is there still a problem with people leaving their kids and animals in the hot car while they go and enjoy the air conditioning. that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. women grocery shopping and leave all their kids in the car with a window cracked. or people traveling with their pets and leave them in the car while they eat in a restaurant. its called get a babysitter and go through the drive thru. at least most people do the right thing and make anonymous tips about people who abuse their animals by leaving them in the car. I found out that you just call the none emergency number and an officer will come and give them a ticket if they have their dogs left in a car. it wont stop everyone but its a start. thanks cassi for the none emergency number info.  

Sunday, August 18, 2013


So last night I told leif that we would start trying for babies and its like the universe says no. I had so many screaming kids at my tablea today. And if that wasn't enough a lazy mom let her kid run into the kitchen and fall and hit his head. What kind of bitch lets her kid get into harms way like that. Some people.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Feeling good

Our fantasy football draft went wonderful. My team rocks and leif is really happy with his. The clouds are in the sky keeping it cool in the house, since the ac is still broke. Leifs in a good mood. He gets to bata test one of his favorite game series tonight after work. We are getting better with the idea of babies. And by that I mean next month we will talk about it again. We just like being happy and we are going to have to get our minds around the fact that kids make you happier and more fulfilled.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Yard work

Day three of eating right and we are doing okay. We mowed and weed eated. Man am I hot. And our ac has been broke since last sunday. The man looked at it today and said it might be awhile until it gets fixed. Yay for the hottest month of the year. At least we are sweating off pounds. Sticking to our all meat diet leif is making ribs tonight for our fantasy football draft. Wish we luck.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Eating right

I finally stepped on the scale and have had enough. Eating better starts today. We want shopping for good food . We are not eating any bread. So sad. I love bread. At least leif said I can still eat cheese.  We think bread is why I can't lose weight and McDonald's is why he can't. So no fast food means saving money and not eating late at night means the food is not just sitting in our tummies. We are getting more comfortable with wanting to get pregnant but I told leif I want to lose weight before I get knocked up so I can be a cute  pregnant lady and not an oh my god is she pregnant or just fat lady. Leif has us eating meat meat and more meat and I have us eating low low calorie snacks for cravings between meat and our next meat.

Friday, August 9, 2013


I've been doing a lot of thinking about kids and back to school shopping.  Man, kids cost a lot of money.  Every year you have to get them new clothes because they grow out of all of their old ones. I was thinking if we have girls you buy a bunch of accessories that they can mix and match with some basics every year. Like simple outfits with cute things to wear with everything.  Every year they have more of a variety to match clothes up with. But what do you do with boys. They rip all their pants and stain all of the shirts. What is the boy version of accessories.  All I can think of is switching their shoes up by buying different color laces for their basic colors. Not as cool as cute belts, bracelets, necklaces and  headbands.  I need help with ideas for boys.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Our dog buckeye is turning six on the 23rd and we are not really sure what to do for him yet. I'm thinking frozen apples in ice because he loves ice and green apples.  Little puppy popsicles.  He would love them. I hope our dog isn't too odd. Ice cubes and apples sound really lame but he loves them so much.  If only leif and I loved apples and ice as much then maybe we wouldn't be so chubby

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sleeping late

So we still haven't sat down and had the talk, I think it will take a couple of weeks to get use to the idea of starting babies. For now we are enjoying all the things you can do without a baby. Like sleeping until noon or hopefully winning a trip to Disney world. I figure we will get use to the idea of babies between this month and next month. We can't put it off forever and we have a lot of money going into the baby fund that leif made us start so its only a matter of time

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Last day

So july ends today and tomorrow brings August,  the month we have been waiting for. Well the deadline that was fast approaching.  How does someone get ready to make a baby. Do you talk about it ahead of time or do you bring it up in the moment to bring things crashing to a halt. We both know august starts tomorrow and we both said we would start trying in August but are we just going to flip a switch in our minds and try to make a baby. Babies would change everything.  We are so happy together and everything just seems to flow nicely in our life, so how will we adjust everything to include a child or two ( twins run in leifs family).  Ahhh. Which slogan do we follow. Nike's just do it or Guinness' good things come to those who wait.

Ps. It was so much fun looking up slogans. We did not know how dirty slogans sound when you say them out loud. Our favorite dirty ones-think dirty as you read them

Put a tiger in your tank.
Finger licking good.
Great taste less filling.
Splash it all over.

Monday, July 29, 2013


I have to work all day today but when I come home the Boston butt will be all done. I feel bad for leif because he is off all day and will smell it but not be able to eat it for hours. At least I will have work distracting me all night. Is it sad how happy food makes us. We are such fat kids.  The best thing about it is I won't have to cook for like 3 days because of all of the leftovers.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

so yesterday we hung out with leifs sister in law and baby gaven, who is now 3 months old.  the whole time gaven was such a good baby. he even let me change his outfit and didn't fuss so I was really thinking babies soon in my head. I loved how he just slept next to us  and didn't make a sound. well today we hung out with some older kids. I think the ages are like 9 and 5 and it was not fun. it wasn't even fifteen minutes and I was already turned off by children. in that fifteen minutes the nine year old had broken 2 things of ours and thought that she knew how to fix it. well she didn't and I knew she didn't. now my screen protector is a hot mess, well more so then usual. and leifs flashlight no longer works because she wanted to play with it and lost the batteries then sat on them and then when I put them back in it didn't work. and all this time the five year old was kicking her or trying to make me move from my seat. needless to say leif doesn't have to worry about me harassing him to make a baby right now because that was enough to make me eat a whole pack of birth control.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Weight loss

So we have been trying to get back to exercising but have had little luck. We will work out one day and then a week later we will exercise again. I think our lack of effort has to do with being servers and having to walk on our feet all the time. I think we walk too much to feel like doing anything extra.  And what sucks is that our bodies are use to it. Any person that sits behind a desk and then switches to waiting tables drops a ton of weight just because their bodies haven't been use to all the running around. One day we will find a routine that we both like and that works but until then I will take my cake and eat yours too.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fancy cakes

So my buddy miranda wants to learn how to bake and asked if I would help get her started. We picked a homemade cheesecake to try our hand at. Now I'm not the best baker and only really do cupcakes so this was a really big achievement.  We started out rough trying to make homemade carmel.After failing at making carmel turn brown we started work on the cheesecake.  It turned out perfect.  Sadly we had to spilt in in half and then share with our husbands. But for her first shot at baking she picked something that wowed for sure.

Friday, July 19, 2013

still pondering

I just entered to win a trip to Disney, complements of the company we work for. so keep your fingers crossed. once we get the Disney out of the way I think I will feel better about willing getting knocked up. but I am beginning to think that the only way we are going to get pregnant is to trick ourselves into it. is that possible. maybe we need to throw a big party and try to get the thirst for adventure out of our system. force ourselves to grow up and pop out a kid or two.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


So thinking about babies coming so soon I think I'm getting cold feet. First I was thinking lets wait until after we go on a trip to Disney.  Now I'm thinking maybe we could wait until after my sisters wedding in March.  But will I just keep pushing it back every time something fun is coming up. My mom said when she planned to have me she got pregnant right away and I think that is what has me worried.  Like our first try we could have twins or something.  Arent you supposed to work at it for awhile and that's what makes it fun. I just know that if we get pregnant right after we start trying we might not be ready. Does it make we selfish to want to get drunk at my little sisters wedding. I wasn't old enough to drink at my older sisters wedding and me and leif just kind of eloped so not really a big party there. I'm thinking its cold feet. I don't think any human looks forward to getting fat and not being able to drink for nine months but is it natural to keep wanting to push it back.

Friday, July 12, 2013


this rain has got to stop. every night we leave our light on at the front door to keep our resident frogs happy. when we get home we say hi frogs every night. well with all the rain the frogs have gotten out of control.  now that we have a roommate and his girlfriend coming in and out and leif buckeye and myself coming in and out we have had like 10 frogs make it inside. we found 5 in one night, when it was raining really hard. it wouldn't be that bad if we could just open the door and make them hope outside but we cant. buckeye tries to run then the frog jumps the wrong way, then I jump, buckeye veers and the frog goes back in the house.  not to mention the way we find the frogs. buckeye hides in the corner and gets his foamy mouth and then we have to get him to spit it out before he swallows or kills it. man these frogs are ninjas. they leap all different kinds of ways just to stay in the house. silly frogs think its fun to get a mouth bath from buckeye. maybe they think its a gang initiation for frogs, only the strong ones come back.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Oh computers

So I made this little video on my phone for a contest for work. Its less then a minute long but every time I tried to send it in an email it said it was too big. So I facebooked ( yes i just made facebook a verb) myself so I could pull it up on my computer.  That went well so I tried to save it to my computer.  That didn't work so I tried to make the link in the email. That didn't work too well either. Then leif uploaded it from my sd card straight onto the computer. So I'm thinking easy sailing from here. I go to attach it in yahoo email no luck. Its too big. Go to attach it in google email, too big. They both told me to load it through something else on their site and it would work. Wrong again. So I tried youtube. And it loaded. But then stopped at 83%. So now I'm mad because its less then a minute how is it too big for anything.  So I'm on the phone with our wonderful on call nerd (Clint). Love him but he was stumped too. Finally we decided to try it on the laptop.  After about ten minutes its loaded and sent. Dumb computer.  I spent like four hours trying to get it done on the desktop.  I still have no idea what I did wrong but I'm done with computers for the day.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


So last night leif said he wanted to go to Disney world. We have less then one month before we try to get pregnant.  I'm not going to Disney knocked up. I would miss all the fun. So we are thinking a quick trip to disney to get it out our system then on to the baby making. Man its hard to plan having a baby

Sunday, July 7, 2013

finding time

in our life we have spare time to do whatever we want. it should be spent cleaning the house and doing laundry but that never seems important. now when we have kids does that all change and I get super human cleaning abilities and better time management that has me cleaning like crazy when the kid is napping or will I just try to nap as well. the countdown is getting close and I hope I become a better cleaner.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy independence day

Hope everyone has a safe 4th of july. Lots of eating swimming and drinking.  Be responsible.  We went to a bbq and are now heading to work with really full stomachs.  Have fun.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Great day

You know those days when you feel you and your husband are meant to be because of how weird you are together,  well today was one of those days. I was online buying work shoes from shoes for crews and I went hunting for a coupon.  I found a 5% off and was pretty happy about it. Then the shipping comes up and was three times what I saved with my coupon so I went looking for free shipping. I never found the free shipping but I forgot my discount code so I had to find a new one. As luck would have it I stumbled across a 35% off code and leif started freaking out with joy and I was so proud I found the new code. This is where it gets good. Leif ordered a second pair of shoes for the new discount price and the shipping only went up a dollar. So now we have 3 pairs of shoes coming and we feel so good about saving.  We fist bumped, high fived and even let out a woah or two. Now tell me that's not the oddest story about work shoes you've ever heard.

Friday, June 28, 2013

love of coins

so I have a new found love coin foreign change. it all started on our vacation. I got a Jamaican coin and a peso from Mexico.  I have a bracelet from Holland with 10 cent pieces on it. my friend Miranda found a penny from panama. and my loving husband gave me his ruble that he got with his tip. he must have done a good job for that table since they decided to put the 1/10 of a penny with his tip. oh well I got my first ruble. our friend eveline brought us a euro from Germany and our other friend rhia has a euro for me as well. its so nice to have good friends that travel and are keeping an eye on for weird change for me. maybe one day my strange love for coins will pay for our kids collage or wedding. at least of all the things to collect money is always a good thing to have around, unlike my porcelain doll or stuffed animals.


By now you all know that I like to budget and save money. I'm getting really good at it. Our friends are just starting out getting credit and beginning a life together so we are trying to give them helpful tips. Like start with a small credit card and pay it off every month. And put everything in the bank that you can when you can. If anyone has similar advice for them just let me know. Heck even other budget advice let me know for us too

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Oh garden

The Weeds have overrun the garden. All the rain has made the go wild and they are smothering the plants. Man all the hard work we did for it. Weeds you are going down and we will save the gatden

Monday, June 24, 2013


This week was a little sad. We had 2 missing children in our area. One was found save and alive, the birth mother kidnapped her. The other was not a happy ended. This world is so awful. Who would want to hurt children.  People make me sick. You can't trust people today. At least one of the kids survived.  Its such a shame about the other one. Hold your kids tight and love them a bunch and never take them for granite

Thursday, June 20, 2013


In order to put leifs mind at ease about having children we have taken on a roommate with plans on saving every penny for babies. Leif is feeling so good about this. Its our friend Daniel.  He works in the daytime, we work at nighttime. Seems pretty perfect.  Not to mention he is getting married sometime next year and wants to exercise with us. So now we have an in house work out buddy. I'm just gald Leif is getting excited about babies now.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Feeling hot hot

Its getting so hot outside.  Thats the upside and downside of living in Georgia.  You love the summer for beaches, pool time, water parks, and playgrounds but then you get dressed to go to work and you have a wet spot on your back because your car was baking all day, not cool man. Lucky for kids they can just go play in the sprinklers all day long.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Okay so we are getting more comfortable talking about kids. Leif doesn't freak out anymore everytime we talk about it. Mostly because we already have a baby fund. All he needed was a plan so he would calm down. I still feel that the closer we get to a baby the more planning and freaking out there will be but what are the big worry items that future parents should plan for.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


so I love walmart. ha that's a big fat lie. we normally go really late at night to avoid people but the last two times we went in the middle of the day and the last two times there has been a child screaming at the top of their lungs. and we are not just talking about any screaming its the high pitch scream of a child that does not want to be in the cart, that turned into the high pitch scream of a kid that got told no and then the high pitch scream of a child getting ignored. now since I don't have kids yet im not really sure what you are suppose to do in a case like this but I thought it involved a hand and a bathroom. this kid screamed for 30 minutes. as we got closer to the child we could here people tell the mom that the kid needs to stop and that it was ridiculous that the mom had just stood there talking to a friend the whole time and didn't both paying any attention (good or bad) to the little girl. so the topic was going to be how do you avoid being that kind of mother but I know how you avoid that. you pay attention to your kids and take them to the bathroom until they calm down. some people. 

Friday, June 7, 2013


So I was at work last night trying to fix the stapler and ended up stapling one of my fingers all the way through. Yes I know that takes talent. It makes me wonder how accident prone our kids are going to be. Leif loves sports so he has had plenty of accidents and twisted ankles and I'm uncoordinated.  Our kids are going to end up wrapped in bubbles.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rain for summer

The kids are all out of school down here and I'm pretty sure it has rained every day so far. Its important to keep the kids busy when it rains. Find something that they can use a lot of energy on so they can use so most of it. Twister will keep them up and moving. What are some more inside activities for kids to keep them using their imagination and energy.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

i took control

I am sitting at the new computer. the one leif bought for me out of the kindness of his heart. this is the first time in weeks that I have gotten on it. he took it over to play a game that he bought just for my computer. not cool man not cool. so today we are doing fantasy football research and I snagged the good computer. now he has to use the dinky laptop and im on the fast multi-functional desktop. yes it may seem a little early for nfl football talk because its just june but the second yahoo opened up the fantasy system this year we were on it. leif is obsessed with doing better this year so he is doing all the mock drafts he can so he doesn't need to trade his soul away to get a decent team after the draft. I on the other hand won our league last year and am now doing everything I can to ensure that all goes well this year too. as im writing this I cant believe how nerdy we are and what weirdoes we might look like but fantasy football is fun, it gives us something to do together and lets us bond. so im okay with being a nerd.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Stain remover miracle

So with kids come lots and lots of stains. I know what to clean carpet stains with and how to get out crayons and ink but gress on clothing has always been a mystery.  But fear not a friend told be the secret.  Baby powder. It worked amazing.  If anyone has anymore stain secrets let me know

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I hate people

When you become a parent a little switch should flick on that says you have to take care of someone else. You would think that would include some form of common sense. I when to walmart yesterday and these people that don't know who to raise there children were everywhere. Kids walking with no shoes on. Kids walking around with no adult.  Correct me if I'm wrong but little kids should not be on their own let alone not wearing shoes. Low and behold you always see the parents eventually, looking at something with all their might then yell for the kids to behave themselves from 3 rows over. Some people just shouldn't procreate

Thursday, May 30, 2013

More babies everywhere

Last night we found out one of our friends is pregnant.  She had a feeling but wasn't sure. So congrats to her and her man. Couldn't be happier for them. I guess we are at that age now where all of our friends are having little ones. It won't be long for us either. The time is getting closer

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Its a jungle

<p dir=ltr>Our garden is doing really well right now. Most of our squash was lost back when the rain wouldn't stop but we have more now and our zucchini is going crazy. The dumb birds kept going after our strawberries but I fixed that. After 6 scrapes making 2 cages they are now safe. The corn got a visit from buckeye today. He almost got away with jumping in the garden but his tail gave him away. He got tons of little corn hairs stuck in his mop of a tail. It won't be long until we are eating healthy from our very own garden and I can't wait.

Monday, May 27, 2013

3 months togo?

With August sneaking around the corner really fast it has me feeling nervous and excited. We have the baby fund already to help put leifs mind at ease but what about mine. I wonder if i my mind will calm down or if I won't be calm until it happens.  The clocks ticking and I want kids and I know the time is coming but its still scary as hell

Friday, May 24, 2013

Zoo trip

I love the zoo. It was so much fun and hannah was great. She is a very easy going kid so she was prefect for leif to hang out with. He did good with her and had a good time. Now we are one step closer to leif feeling good about having a child soon. He still says August is when we will start trying but I don't think he realizes that its really close to August.

Monday, May 20, 2013

going to the zoo

I love the zoo its so great. we are going this week and im so excited. the animals make the whole day fun, whether you are looking for the brave squirrel in the exhibits or waiting for 2 animals to do something gross. its never boring.  we are going with our friend Cassi and her daughter Hannah. its going to be good for Leif, I like that he is getting use to hanging out with little ones so he will get more excited about having babies soon. we will se how it goes. Hannah is a good kid and she is perfect for Leif to spend time with because she is such a cool kid. updates will come soon about how the zoo trip will go.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Feeling good

Finally we have a desktop again. I killed the last one watching gossip girl on Netflix.  I guess all six seasons were just too much for our old computer to handle all in a row. Then I moved on with the laptop and I didn't have true feelings for it. There is just something about a laptop that I don't like for an everyday computer.  So leif found me a new desktop that can handle my need to stream the whole series of things in less then a week. So excited and confused by the new computer.  Windows 8 takes a little while to get use to

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


as the time draws closer to august I am beginning to ask more and more questions to my friends and family.  lately ive been asking about breast milk. I heard so many things about breast feeding that im not sure what is right and wrong. someone said that you cant go over 8 hours without pumping or you will dry up. someone told me you could freeze your milk if you pump it. one person said drink a dark beer if you are having problems getting milk started. please help teach me. comments are wanted I would like to know all you can about the rules of breast milk. I think its important to start babies off right with what they are eating but I don't know what's right and wrong

Sunday, May 12, 2013

happy mothers day

happy mothers day to all the past, present and future mothers. its a happy day where all they moms in the world get to reflex on how awesome it is to be a mom. everyone take care of your mothers today and make sure that husbands of moms with small kids need to do something for their wife from the child.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


with me and leif both hating to take pictures im not really sure how to get into the habit when kids come into the picture.  our parents made us take a lot of pictures on our vacation this year so they could actually have a pictures of us. and I like having the pictures, it has me inspired to put pictures up on our walls now. we bought our house in june and still don't have anything on the walls. well that will all change once I get something to hang things with. so now that I want to hang things on our walls I think the picture taking might come a little easier but how often do you need to update your kids pictures and how often do you give them out. some people I think go over board with giving new pictures out too much. if someone ask for them I understand but I have like 20 pictures for each of our nieces and nephews first years. what are we going to do with 60 pictures of kids that aren't ours. I could have a whole wall covered if I put them all up or do you put up the most recent. but im not sure so they sit in a drawer doing nothing. maybe now I will put some up now that im in the picture mode but I don't know what to do with all of them. so how many times should you get your kids picture taken and how often do you give it out (im thinking upon request).

Thursday, May 9, 2013

mission success

mission "leif hold a baby" was a success. we went down to see new baby gavin and his parents (leif's brother and sister in-law) and leif held the baby for ten minutes. now if you have ever met my husband you would know that he is terrified of babies and he thinks they are really ugly. this was the first baby he has held in a long time, like im talking 8 years.  it was so cute. he refused to lower his shoulder for the first 4 minutes because he thought it was the only way to keep the head up. finally Natalie (baby mom) showed him how to do it and reluctantly he lowered his shoulder to the height of a normal person.  it was pretty funny. I think knowing that his brother can do it will help get leif ready for it. at least he held the baby. gavin did good too. he farted in leifs arms to help calm leif down. man that kid was gassy. when we left I asked him if he felt more comfortable with the idea of having one now that he held one and he said hell no still scary.  what am I going to do with him. haha, the date is getting closer to august.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

cutting back and saving

every penny counts. isn't that the trust especially when planning for a baby.  to put Leif's mind at ease we have already started extreme saving for when we have a kid. we are both doing 20 bucks a week and that might not seem like a lot but by this time next year we should have a baby almost here ( hopefully) and the 20 bucks a week will be 2000 dollars just for babies and expenses.  man im glad im a budgeting queen. Leif is just so worried that we wont have enough money to take the time off to have a kid let alone pay our bills and get everything a little one would need.  luckily we are going to see baby Gavin tomorrow and Leif will be able to talk to his brother and relax about the stress of babies, once they come they come and you love them and you make it work. cant wait to meet the little baby Gavin.

Monday, May 6, 2013

new baby born

today baby Gaven was born to Leif's brother and his wife. a healthy baby boy 6 lbs 14 oz and 20.5". we are so happy for them and will hopefully get to see the happy family sometime this week. babies babies everywhere. soon it will be our turn

Sunday, May 5, 2013


at the rain dries up the weekend comes to an end, how fitting that the kids have to go back to school when its sunny. hopefully all the field days get rescheduled. I know a lot of kids were very upset that they all got rained out down here. hope everyone has a good cinco de mayo.

Friday, May 3, 2013


rain rain go away. the sunny has not be seen here in three days. if the weekend if like this everyone is going to have to get some inside actives for the little ones while its wet outside. our little one loves (buckeye) loves the rain. not cool. I have a soggy doggy now but the garden really likes it, the squash plants are freaking out they love it so much. im beginning to think the garden is too be but the freezer can hold what we don't eat.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

blueberry cupcake

with all the blueberries we had we made pancakes and blueberry cupcakes.  they cupcakes are sooo good. they are blueberry cupcakes with a brown sugar buttercream icing. oh yeah they are good and we have plenty to give some to the lovely lady that gave us the blueberries. Friday night girls night (I hang out with my mom, sisters, and our friend Regina and her kid) is going to be a cupcake night then a night of trying on bridesmaid dresses for my sisters wedding next march.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

veggies and more

our garden is coming along wonderfully. we have 12 squash blooming, 4 or five peppers and 6 tomatoes. cant wait to eat all of them. now the only trouble is to find recipes for tasty dinners with all of the veggies we will have. not to forget about the giant thing of blueberries I got from a friend that will be turned into blueberry cupcakes later today. I'm going to love just going outside to find out what is for dinner or what we have so much of we have to freeze it or give some away. lets hope it all grows big and strong. the ants were trying to get our strawberries yesterday so we had to pick up cinnamon( it keeps them away), so lets hope a new insect doesn't want them now.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

little ones feet

every time I go to the shoe store I look at how many times will I wear these or how durable are they so I don't need to buy new ones for a while. but when you have kids you have to look at how much are they and will they last only long enough for them to grow out of them. shoes could get really expensive fast. they need dress shoes, black shoes, brown shoes, play shoes, sandals and that's just shoes off the top of my head. that's why stores like goodwill come in handy but even then you cant always find what they might need or it could be at the wrong time, like right after they grow out of the size. is it weird that kids shoes are one of my biggest worries about how expensive having a child is. its not like a toy you just cant tell them to wait a couple of weeks and walk around with bags on their feet. it would almost be smart to just invent some shoes that expand when you need them to or have a store that trades old shoes in for a discount on a new pair and sell the old shoes for cheap or give the old shoes to kids that need them. I'm sure giving away shoes to kids that need them is a big tax write off for them. when the time comes I think I will just pull my hair out.

shoes that help others out are the skechers bobs. skechers bobs donate a pair of shoes to kids that need them. its good that they don't donate some random amount of money for face less kids, skechers bobs really give a kid a pair of shoes and I think that is just awesome.

the puppy and the princess

last night our friend cassi brought her daughter hannah to me our dog buckeye. and from buckeyes pictures you can tell that he is no small animal. on two legs standing he is about 5'3" and we weighs 105 lbs. hannah on the other hand it about 3foot tall, like 30 lbs and apparently has a very tasty looking face. since we dont have kids buckeye has only been around three kids other then hannah and has done pretty good once he meets them. he sniffs their legs then licks their face once and he is good. but not hannah. he liked the way she giggled every time he licked her so he kept trying to get to her face and she would laugh and he would run around the house like a shark planning his next move to lick her again. i know he cant wait for her to come back, i think he is in love with her face.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

still on track

having a husband that loves our life exactly how it is has been difficult convincing him that we need a baby. he doesnt want anything to change and he doesnt want our marriage to be put on the back burner. so after about six months of budget talk and telling him over and over again that kids wont hurt our marriage as long as we put it on the priority list he has finally gotten on board with starting in August.  he is still terrified but so am i and he wants us to save all the money we can ( which we have already started saving).  im so glad he finally wants a baby or is at least aware that we need to do it soon so we dont start having kids too late in life. needless to say that we couldnt have a baby if certain parts of him werent all for it. so until august we will be saving money and hopefully be ready to start.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

little helpers

i made pizza for lunch today. steak and cheese pizza. YUMMY!! as i wait for it to cook i figured i would ask at what age to you let the little ones help out with food or house work. i know they are eager to learn, but at what age does it stop being counter productive and start being a learning experience.

Friday, April 26, 2013

hot weather

with the sunny shinning down on us today i'm starting to think about summer and safe activities to keep kids busy all summer. its not like it use to be where all the kids play together from all over the neighborhood. now a days you have to watch your kids like a hawk to make sure no one trys to kidnap them. i'm not sure if it just wasnt that big of deal back in the day or if our parents left us outside in hopes that a stranger would take us away to give them some time off until they find us. but whatever the case when we have kids i want to make sure they have plenty of kid time and outside time as long as its safe.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Garden out of control

We started our small graden in hopes of eating better and being healthy if and when we get pregnant.  its going really well and we love our garden.  Then we went to lowes today and our graden that is already the size of a car has now doubled in size.  That least we will be eating healthy all summer and have plenty in the freezer
had to do the panorama view to take the picture on my phone


i was on facebook the other night and read that one of our friends one year old little boy is being bullied by two kids on the playground. now bullying at that age isnt that extreme but no the less she was faced with a choice. should she go help her kid out or let him learn how to handle it himself. momma bear wants to help but it could hurt him in the long run.she cant just go in that stand up for him because he needs to learn what to do. in the end she is going to tell the day care to look out for it but if  the day care doesnt handle it  the kids would keep pushing her kid down.  now bullying with little kids isnt the problem its the older kids you have to worry about but if no one corrects it at this age imagine what it would be like in middle school.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

cruise pic

formal night on the cruise. this was my seven dollar dress day. i wore two dresses that day and night and they both cost seven dollars each. man i love Ross and Forever 21.  i've even gotten an awesome gift for my niece at ross and it was around ten bucks. i hope i can find great deals when we have kids. someone commented that children dont have to cost that much money it's all in how you do things. i figure we will be good and cutting back and saving, just waiting to see when its going to happen.

Monday, April 22, 2013

trying new food

before we left on our cruise i told my grandma that i would try lobster for her and we did that and then some. on the ship we tasted lobster, salmon, silverfish,brussel sprouts,oysters (well half an oyster) and a couple more random veggies. we liked all the veggies and we swallowed the brussel sprout but all the seafood was not for us. we came, we ate and we didnt like. with it taking 25 years for me to get over my gross food phobia so i could try new things it has me thinking about our kids and what they will eat. will they get my ability to sit at the dinner table for hours until i get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or will they get my new try every food once before i dont like it. with children how do you keep their minds open on food when you have your own food dislikes.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

We are back

Just got back into town an hour ago. The cruise was amazing.  Turned my phone on this morning to see baby Nolan made it into the world on Wednesday.  Both mommy and baby are doing very well. And speaking of babies. My lovely husband is all nerves because we planned to sit down and talk children when we got back. Looks like its time to make a choice.  Do we wait or do we start now and by now I mean soon. Pictures of our trip and hopefully baby Nolan are soon to come

Saturday, April 13, 2013

baby ready???

my good friend Cassi posted something on facebook for us that tells you what you need to be ready to handle babies. it was extremely funny. at one point it said can you handle kids messes and the instructions where as follows: take peanut better and jelly and smear it on your couch and curtains, take cookies in your car and smash them in really good in your back seat and throw Cheerios everywhere. by that point my husband had stopped being amused by this list because he likes his car but never the less it was very eye opening and make our last trip all the more important so we have adventure out of our systems for at least a little while. when we come back we are starting a baby fund and getting use to the idea that it wont just be us and our silly head ( buckeye the dog). its going to change everything but we can handle it I'm sure.  and for the messes and food everywhere bring it, i hate our couch anyway.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

my birthday

it is now ten minutes until my 25th birthday. and two day until my husbands 27 birthday. kids are just around the corner and the timing is starting to get real. hopefully this time next year ill be pregnant. at least those are the plans but you know what they say. when you make plans god laughs. but who knows, right.  we will be leaving on our last adventure without kids soon so when we do get pregnant we have no regrets. we have done a lot so far in life. we bought our house this year and we are amazing with a budget so we are ready for kids its just a matter of time or timing.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

going back to school

with baby time on the horizon we need to pick a good time to go back to school. the question is should we put off babies until we are done with school which would be 4 years and would make me 29 for our first kid if we are lucky or do we have kids and then do online school and work and raise a family.  with having a kid we would get more back on our taxes and get more grant money but it would cost more to provide for a child and pay for school. but if we go to school first we would have to work more to pay for school because we wouldn't have the extra tax money or grants but it would be easier to go without a lot of things only having to take care of two low maintenance adults. kids take so much money to care for but not having one would make school so much more expensive. and i don't think i want to have our first kid at 29.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

cassi's garden

our friend Cassi and her little one, Hannah, just started their first garden. its great for the kids to help so they can feel proud when it grows

Saturday, April 6, 2013

pool time

with the weather getting warmer and the beaches everywhere filling up its now time to talk about pool safety. i know my niece loves the pool and she would swim every day if we let her. she is five and she has been around pools for a good while now, but at what age do you teach them pool safety. the pool may be something you play in but it is not a play thing. kids need to know how to act around the pool and what to do in case of an emergency. like a friend under water too long or something sinking to the bottom. how do you tell them to be careful and make sure they understand and not scare them to death in the process.

Popping out soon

We have two ladies we know that are almost bursting at the seams.  One ( baby Nolan) has about one week left, and baby Gavin is due in one month. With all these bundles of joy joining the world it gets me curious about dealing with a new born. Lucky for me I will have two families brains to pick on this manner. Some people suggest that you take a warm bath while you are pregnant right before bed so you get the little one awake and moving so when you go to bed the baby sleeps when you sleep. I guess this would have the new born on your sleep cycle.  I'm sure that everything falls into place ones the little ones come into the world but it doesn't hurt to know people that have already done it and can help in so many ways

Thursday, April 4, 2013

money saving garden

gardens. sure you might spend a little to get them started but just think of all the money you will save once you start growing things. we love love love the long green beans. we buy them frozen so we have them whenever we want them. now that we have some planted we can freeze them and it only cost us like 2 bucks for the seeds. the start of a garden cost a little. the soil cost and its hard work but once you finish it and your first sprouts come out the joy and pride you feel are totally worth it. and lets all just agree that saving any money with kids is a win and when the kids are old enough they can help with the garden. it would keep them outside and away from the computer and TV. so in short plant a garden, save money, and get your kids involved.

spring break safety

does anyone else think that its awful that this spring break we have gotten 3 amber alerts.  since when is spring break a time for child abductions. i think the kids need to have better places to play with safer building or fences. the play grounds with one entrance where the moms or dads can sit and watch their kids play and not have to worry about someone coming from another entrance seem like a smart idea. or places with cameras so your teenagers can be safe without i parent being all up in their face. i just think that today its so hard to be a parent and having to worry about people everywhere wanting to take your kids.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

outside time

as it warms up outside we have been doing more out in the sunlight.  we have our great garden that we have been working so hard on and the lawn that needs constant deweeding but it has me thinking about kids playing outside and their safety. when i was young my sisters and i would play with the neighborhood kids. we would take walks, ride bike and go all over, but with the world today I'm not sure if our kids are going to be able to have as much freedom as we did.  now a days you have to worry about kidnapping,people caring guns, creeps with vans, old men with candy. where does it end. the schools aren't even safe half the time.  there was a close call not to long ago in town with a man at a school trying to get inside. luckily an off duty cop was picking up his kid and noticed the man from the station. he called it in and it turns out the guy had cupcakes and blankets in the car and was just released from jail for something along those same lines. freaky crap like that is just to close for comfort. why cant our kids have the same childhood we did with kickball, red rover, freeze tag and all the games you play with large groups of kids. i wouldn't want our kids leaving the front yard or being out of sight. but at what age then do you trust that your kid knows what to do if something bad were to happen. you cant baby them forever but how soon is too soon to trust them and the world we live in.

Monday, April 1, 2013

april 1st

oh april fools day how i hate you. all day today im going to have to look out for fake announcements, bad shoe lace jokes and a full day of "you dropped something".  everyone be on the look out for all of these and we will make it through the day. let me know if anyone plays some really good ones on their kids or people they know.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

bossy little brats

This easter I was at work all day today enjoying all the rude people on the holiday. Holidays bring out the worst kind of people at restaurants.  So im already having a crappy easter and I get this table of three. Its grandparents and their 10 year old grandson and let me tell you this kid drove me crazy. The ten year old was the worst person I had all day.  And the grandparents did nothing. So being parents how do you get your kids to act like you want them to even though you are not there?   I had to run back and forth for this kid. He ordered anything he wanted then told me to send it back and get him something else and do you know what the grandparents did. Nothing. Because that is what grandparents do. They were way to old to try pay attention to the kid and didn’t even notice half the time that the kid was being a little pain.  Now the question is how do you keep your kids from acting a fool when you are not there, because I know a parent wouldn’t have let him order three things and send them all back. You would tell him to suck it up and eat it or not let him order it in the first place. Children are a direct reflection of the parents and I never want my children to treat any adult they way these grandparents let this kid treat me.  Tell me how to keep my kids from being little BRATS

easter sunday

Happy Easter everyone. on this happy day let everyone remember to be nice to their servers when you go out to eat. we are all stuck there on easter. and make sure you get lots of pictures of your little ones in their cute outfits

Saturday, March 30, 2013

happy ladies everywhere

Shout out to any woman that has every given birth, been pregnant, or is currently pregnant and is in a good mood. The miracle of life is sometimes taken advantage of by ladies that just want everyone to know how hard it is and how sick they feel and how swollen their ankles are.  I understand I have not had a kid yet nor have I been pregnant but shouldn’t you at least seem happy about being prego.  I have worked with all kinds of pregnant ladies and all of them are amazing for waiting tables with that bigglo belly.  Each girl I’ve worked with seemed so happy about the baby coming. Letting people feel the kicks. Talking about the baby’s room and getting ready to welcome a new life into the world.  Sure they let out the occasional “oh my back hurts” or my favorite “pancakes make me want to vomit” but all of them were or are generally happy about the joys that come along with the pains and the emotions.  Now there are some people that just wont see the good in pregnancy. Sure the attention is nice but “oh congrats you’re pregnant” only last so long.  The constant reminder that your life sucks because you are pregnant is over the top.  You are supposed to be happy sometimes and just telling everyone around you that you are unhappy and sick and fat and unhappy and sick and fat takes away from the joy of childbirth and the happy miracle growing inside you.  I’m just glad that I know so many happy ladies that have kids or are pregnant and made it through realizing that being pregnant it something special and not all women are capable of having kids and what a blessing it is.  

update garden

our garden is coming along so well. the red skin potatoes are huge. we have onions, garlic, corn, tomatoes,green beams, squash, peppers, and one lima bean.

this is Hass the avocado tree (guess why his name is Hass, he is a hass avocado tree)
start a small garden of your own 
our friends started their own gardens too
cassi's garden. i just love gardening now i cant wait to eat something