Friday, December 27, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope everyone stays safe and has a good time with friends and family. And don't forget to make sure the little ones know this time of year is for more than a bunch of gifts and toys. Its a time for charity and giving and I think when kids learn that they will be more grateful for everything they have.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
One person
So my husband and I have been together for almost nine years now. That's not that long when you compare it to 50 year marriages but its a long time for our generation. Well just recently I have been learning how to play call of duty with him. Again that doesn't seem like a big deal but if you knew my lack of coordination you would be surprised it find that I'm not spinning around stuck in a corner anymore. I'm improving. So we were playing until four in the morning the other day and it made me think. We do everything together normally and now we are adding call of duty to this. I brought it up to leif and asked him if we were blending together and becoming an even weirder couple that does everything together. His response was that it was a good thing. I picked up on call of duty and he picked up on reading books for fun. Not to mention we saw one Broadway play (wicked) and he was hooked. The next one I'm taking him to is the phantom of the opera, if it ever comes to town. But he doesn't think its odd that we are finally getting into each others interests so I guess I don't either. I just think its strange that it took nine years for me to learn a game he plays everyday.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Food food food
Have you ever made a cheese ball. if you haven't I will let you in on a secret, they suck to make. I spent about an hour trying to work it all together with two spoons. That doesn't work. I kept thinking I needed to use my hands but I didn't want to fondle the thing so I grabbed the foil. It got a little better from there. I smushed the cream cheese one way between the two pieces of foil then crammed it back together and repeated the process. Totally not quick and easy. Next time i will remember to start with the foil to save about an hour. Any more tips for making a cheese ball in a timely manner would be greatly appreciated for my next attempt.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Warm coats
This time of year everyone has to remember to bundle up your little ones. That is unless you live in southern Georgia then make sure they are wearing play clothes because its the perfect outdoor weather here. It's December and we can still wear flip flops and shorts. Thats not right. We are having an ugly sweater party and its going to be too hot for it. Darn you mother nature. Lets hope it gets down to lite jacket weather soon so we are not burning up at our party.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
So on black Friday I got nine things of Tupperware for 7 bucks a piece, now leif thinks I have too much now. He told me we didn't have enough room in our cabinets for them so we have to reorganize them all. Yay. Not really. But leif started moving everything around so my weird obsession would have a home. We moved our nice plates over to the Tupperware spot and our snacks switched with all of our candles ( leifs weird obsession) and now we have an empty cabinet. That seems odd but leif is such a good organizer that we have a lot of extra space. Looks like I need more Tupperware now.