Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hurricane and a baby

Realizing that we didn't have anything for Scarlett in our emergency kit I whipped one up. I grabbed an old diaper box and got to work. It has bottles, formula, water, diapers, wipes, food, clothes, and a spit rag. It took less than five minutes and I feel so much better about the storm coming.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Pooped out pooper

Im not sure if Scarlett plays too hard or if we get all of her energy out at one time. She loves to play on her own and play on our laps. Then she passes out. Right now she is taking her second hour long tap today. We are very hands on parents and  I think she loves that. But then she has to take power naps so she can continue on playing.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Smart kid

This little girl is learning so much. She looks at everything in such a curious way. Scarlett loves to try new things and see bright colors. For her half birthday we are going to let her soak in a lot more. We are going to the zoo.  Hopefully she likes to look at the cool flowers and the aniamls big enough for her to see. So is growing up so fast. She burped herself this morning after I couldn't get one out of her. I set her on her back in her play area and in ten seconds she had flipped over and burped twice. It is crazy how aware she is. Like she wants to do more but is held back by the tiny little body that hasn't learned everything yet. Slow down little girl it takes time

Friday, July 31, 2015

Time flies

Scarlett is doing so well. She plays, stands and laughs now. She is truly remarkable.  Some nights she sleeps for 11 hours straight.  We are just so lucky to have her. I can't believe she will be six months old on the 15th

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

5 months old

In celebration of keeping Scarlett alive for five months we took her to the mall to look around and get her ears pierced.  We hit up the piercing place first so we could distract her with all the colorful things to look at in the mall once it was over. She was a true champion.  She was upset for about a minute then continued to look around at all the bright colors in the store windows. So all in all it was a good day. She got some bling and spent the whole day people watching.

Friday, July 10, 2015


I love a bowl of cereal.  I could eat one every meal in a day but for some reason I have only had like three bowls of cereal since Scarlett came home. Well I had one today and it hit me like the last time. Everyone needs me the second the milk hits the cereal.  Buckeye wants out, Scarlett poops,  the doorbell rings, buckeye wakes Scarlett,  Scarlett wakes buckeye, and so on. The cereal is always soggy.  Oh well. At bed time I can have one.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of july

Red white and blue day. All of the patriotic pictures on Facebook are amazing.  I loves seeing the new pictures of everyone.  Stay save and remember to be nice.